Guided Walks

Not All Bobble Hats and Backpacks!

Not All Bobble Hats and Backpacks!

The Old Chalk New Downs project encourages everyone to get out and enjoy the Kent Downs with Kent’s newest walking festival. You probably took your first, eager steps around your first birthday, but as you get older, spend...

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Money for Old Chalk

Money for Old Chalk

Chalk grassland is now a rare and fragmented habitat of international importance. The UK holds 50% of the world’s chalk grassland and in Kent, we have around 1900 hectares (5%), a fraction of what we used to have. This fragmentation is...

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Ecosystem Services – branding Nature for a sustainable future.

Ecosystem Services – branding Nature for a sustainable future.

Today, it seems if you want to sell something or encourage people to value it, it must be packaged, branded and marketed. Those of us who love Nature, wild places and the flora and fauna that rely on us to...

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Learn New Skills - our training for Winter and Spring.

Learn New Skills - our training for Winter and Spring.

Brushcutter training  Lantra registered One of the key skills needed on a hands-on conservation workday is safe, efficient use of a brushcutter. Come and learn while helping with the management of a key site for chalkland species. ...

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Chalkland Champions

Chalkland Champions

Come and join us for the launch of the Old Chalk New Downs project - a celebration of Kent's Chalk Downland, its rare species, traditional skills and the people who love it. There will be something for everybody at...

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