Chalk Champions of the North Downs

Chalk Champions of the North Downs

Chalk Champions of the North Downs

Lyndsay Wayman-Rook, Community Engagement Officer for the Old Chalk New Downs (OCND) project tells us about the important contribution volunteers make to their conservation work.

“Whilst only being part of the OCND project for just a few months, I have quickly come to appreciate the effort and dedication provided by volunteers across the project. One group that stands out for me is the West Kent Downs Countryside Trust (WKDCT).

“After donations and fund raising the Trust now owns 14 plots of woodland known as the Plot Lands just south of Cobham wood and mausoleum.

“There are a further 96 plots that make up the south section of Cobham Wood, which the Trust aims to acquire to safeguard for wildlife and conserve their habitat whilst providing public access for education and quiet countryside recreation.

“Chair of the Trust Roger Savage and Secretary Mike Adams have been influential in sculpting the WKDCT’s aims and supporting volunteers carrying out vital conservation tasks.

“For the past two years the Trust has been working with the OCND to enhance a small section of historic chalk grassland called Warren Plain nestled within the Plot Lands. Through scrub clearance and stock fencing which has enabled cattle grazing, we hope to restore this land back to biologically diverse chalk grassland.

“As the land had not been grazed for many decades a new water trough was needed, which the volunteers did a smashing job installing.

“The group even went one step further and made their very own wildlife floats. These floats help to prevent wildlife such as barn owls falling in while still providing easy access for livestock as they can push the floats down.

“The groups aspirations for the woodland is inspirational, it will benefit local people and wildlife for generations to come, but there is still a long way to go and WKDCT still need help to reach their goal.

“This huge task can only be achieved through public support, fundraising projects and events and willing volunteers. 

“So if you feel like meeting some friendly people and getting involved in this worthy cause visit the West Kent Down Countryside Trust website.