Survey Work Under COVID-19 Restrictions

Survey Work Under COVID-19 Restrictions

Our obligation is to conduct work in a safe manner which doesn’t put our staff, project partners and members of the public at risk. For the time being all of our public and training events have been cancelled or postponed until further notice. This statement is in relation to survey work that will be undertaken by the Old Chalk New Downs project team (with assistance from Kent County Council’s Natural Environment & Coast team) between Spring and early Autumn 2020.

From the 28th of May we will be conducting condition assessment surveys on land owned or managed by OCND project partners with their agreement. We will also be surveying a number of hedgerows across the project area; the relevant landowner has been contacted and permission to enter the land secured.

When conducting work outdoors we will be following the latest guidelines on permissible activities (and their safe application) from the government. We will also be referring to Defra advice on ecological surveying and guidance issued by The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) on Ecological Survey and Assessment in the UK during the COVID-19 outbreak. Social distancing of a minimum of 2m will be observed and survey teams will only comprise of two members of staff at any one time. We will employ PPE as appropriate and hygiene practices will be strictly adhered to.

If you require more information about our work please contact William Moreno (Project Manager) at